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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Raven’s Biggest ‘Loss’ for 2011

You may be wondering what would be the significant loss this Disney sweetheart may have been through for 2011. Well, her ‘loss’ is acclaimed by many especially the fashion enthusiasts because she did look hotter than ever! Yes! Raven’s slimmer figure was very much visible when she stepped up in the blue carpet at the recent People’s Choice Awards.

But having a thin body now, this former “The Cosby Show” star is not that comfortable of her new look “because I don’t like the way people stare at me. I liked it before. Now, you’re just looking at me for the wrong reasons. Before, you were actually looking at me for a real reason, “I thought I looked fabulous before and nobody else did.” she said.

Being contented in her “thick and fabulous” figure before, maybe Raven is a little bit on the adjustment side on how to carry well her new “thin and even more fabulous” body. Maybe now, she is having a hard time to shop for new dresses for her wardrobe such as party dresses, church dresses, and sitcom dresses and even swim wears. Because she won’t definitely be needing anymore those plus sizes dresses she used to wear before. I am looking forward for her new choices of dresses and style now that she has a wow figure to show off.

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